Legal mentions

Legal Mentions

SEAFARI Maldives pvt. Ltd.
A Seafari Group company with a capital of 100 000 USD
Malé Companies Registry, Republic of Maldives 
C 898/2008
1st Floor, G. Hulhugali, Kalhuhuraa Magu
Malé 20192 Maldives 
SEAFARI Egypt Cruise
Villa 14, Hadaba ganoubia
Hurghada - EGYPT
SEAFARI Bahamas Ltd.
A Seafari Group company with a capital of 100 000 USD
Nassau Companies Registry, Bahamas
59216 C
The G.K. Symonette Building, Shirley Street,
P. O. Box N-7525 Nassau, Bahamas
SEAFARI Turquoise Ltd.
A Seafari Group company with a capital of 50 000 USD
Register of Companies of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands
n° 13874
Richmond House, P.O.Box 127, Leeward Highway, Providenciales,
Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies
Access to the Seafari website and requires acceptance of these general conditions of use, which may be supplemented for certain services by special conditions.
You can use a personal account to purchase a product or service and benefit from promotions or receive information and newsletters from Seafari... You access it by logging into the site with a login and password. Your password is personal and confidential and it is up to you not to communicate it; it is recommended that you personalize and change it regularly. If you are a minor, you must obtain parental permission to register.
You are responsible for the data that you disseminate, use and/or transfer and as such you undertake to comply with the French regulations in force, in particular those relating to manifestly illegal content (offences against morality, incitement to racial hatred, paedophilia...) or the protection of the rights of third parties (intellectual property rights...). As such, you must have all necessary rights and permissions. In case of dispute by a third party, you guarantee us against any claim, recourse, action relating to the contents.
If you discover any illegal content on our support forum, you can notify us by filling out the report form available through the "report" link and sending it to us.
The data on and, including its content and trademarks, are protected by intellectual property rights. Any reproduction or representation, even partial of these data, for purposes other than private use on any medium, is prohibited and could engage the civil and criminal liability of the person who would not respect this prohibition.
We do not assume any backup services. You must backup your data stored on your own media (hard disk, CD, DVD...) to protect yourself against possible loss or damage.
We remind you that we do not ensure any moderation a priori and that you are responsible for your interpersonal exchanges which are private correspondence. Seafari is not responsible for the use of data, content broadcast or services of another person who, in particular, does not comply with the regulations in force. In particular, Seafari is not responsible for the content of any third-party applications or sites to which you have linked, and you should carefully read the terms of use of such third-party applications and sites.
The information collected on the sites is intended to provide you with Seafari's services and to inform you, unless you object, of the services offered by Seafari and its partners.
This information benefits from the protection of the law " Informatique et Libertés " n° 78-17 of 06 January 1978.
More information: CNIL
You have a right of access, rectification, opposition to communication and deletion upon simple request to SEAFARI, Informatique et Libertés, Director General
In accordance with the privacy policy, small computer files ("cookies") are temporarily installed on your device (computer, smartphone, telephone, etc.) when you browse the sites on the Internet.
This information may be processed either by Seafari or by advertising agencies.
The purpose of this information is:
facilitate access to services and site sections,
personalise the advertising content offered to you by Seafari or by the advertising agencies on the sites.
These cookies record information relating to your browsing on the sites (type of page consulted, date and time of visit).

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They dive with us

More details  

Yves Lefèvre

Patrick Masse



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