
Turks & Caicos Caraïbes & Côtes Américaines

BRITISH WEST INDIES - Phone: (1) 649 946 55 00 - Fax: (1) 649 946 54 97

- Country: United Kingdom (TOM)
- Surface area: 948 km²
- Capital: Cockburn town
- Population: 51 507
- Official language: English
- Currency: US dollar
- Time difference GMT: - 4 hours in summer, - 5 hours in winter

The Turks and Caicos Islands have a hot and dry tropical climate. The islands generally receive between 500 and 600 mm of water per year. Rainy days are also few, with 46 days of rain per year. The islands suffer from aridity. The wet season is weak and short, from October to December. During this time, rainfall is at its highest, with six rainy days in each of these months. In contrast, the dry season, which runs from January to October, has a minimum of two days of rain, as in March.
The islands are very hot, with an average temperature of 29°C. The highest temperatures are between April and October.

The whale migration passes through the Turks and Caicos Islands in February and March. 

PROVIDENCIALES AIRPORT (12km from the village)
Flight times (as a guide):
● New York: 3 hours and 25 minutes
● Paris: 14 hours and 30 minutes via Miami
● Miami: 2 hours and 35 minutes
● Montreal: 5 hours and 25 minutes
● Toronto: 7 hours and 25 minutes via Miami
● London: 11 hours

ACCESS AND PARKING (unattended):
- Option n°1: Parking outside the Club Med (free access and without reservation) with a capacity of 20 places (10 minutes walk).
- Option n°2 : Parking behind the Flamingo Café (2 minutes walk) in order to access the diving centre from the beach (the pontoon on the left of the Flamingo).

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Patrick Masse

Yves Lefèvre


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