
Come dive with us!

Itineraries prepared by us!

Our local team puts its experience at divers' disposal. Over the years, our Maldives specialists have put together a range of itineraries to meet the needs of divers from all horizons. Whether you're a thrill-seeker, an experienced photographer or just a diver on holiday, we've got a plan for your next dive!

Let us guide you...

The instructors, in consultation with the captain, select the best itineraries for you, depending on the local conditions. We always strive to make the most beautiful dives possible, while respecting safety standards. Itineraries and dive sites cannot be guaranteed and are subject to change according to weather conditions.

Discover the Seafari Explorer 2



They dive with us

More details  

Patrick Masse


Yves Lefèvre


Seafari maintains strong relationship with many partners. Whether they are Nonprofit Organisations, environmental preservation associations or diving specialised insurance companies, they all contribute in their own field, improving your dive experience.

Become a partner